


    毕业论文关键词  四旋翼飞行器  自主飞行  PID控制器   超声波传感器


    Title    the implementation and optimization of  autonomous quadrotor                             


    In recent years, four-rotor unmanned aircraft research has become a new hotspot.

    This article describes the process of designing an autonomous quadrotor aircraft, and introduces the selection of hardware, the acquisition and the process of the data, the design of the system to control flight and the way to test its functions, the system to control flight is pided into the attitude adjustment and height adjustment, attitude adjustment uses the cascade PID controller, however the PID controller of the height adjustment uses a single-stage, a combination of both effectively maintain the stability of quadrotor and performance of flying in a fixed height, and ultimately achieves the abilities to takeoff independently, fly in a fixed height during a fixed time, and other functions.

    This paper also attempts to explore the possibility of improving the ability of Ultrasonic sensor. We sample the trigger signals and the echo signals of ultrasonic sensor when changing the material and the geometry of the reflecting surface.     Comparing the results and summary the law.

    Keywords:  quadrotor    autonomous   pid controller  ultrasonic sensor

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状及存在问题 2

    1.3  论文主要工作 3

    1.4  论文组织结构安排 3

    2  四旋翼飞行器系统方案 4

    2.1  系统总体方案 4

    2.2  系统硬件组成 5

    2.3  电路结构规划 7

    2.4  软件结构方案 7

    3  四旋翼飞行器姿态稳定控制 9

    3.1  四旋翼飞行姿态数据获取 9

    3.2  四旋翼飞行姿态数据处理 9

    3.3  四旋翼姿态控制调节 15

    4  四旋翼飞行器定高与定时的实现 20

    4.1  四旋翼高度信息获取 20

    4.2  四旋翼超声波高度传感数据的处理 21

    4.3  四旋翼飞行高度控制调节 22

    4.4  超声波传感器信号分析

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