

    毕业论文关键词   波面测量 剪切干涉 正交光栅 棋盘光栅


    Title    Experiment for wave-front detection of  four-wave shear                                           


    In  this paper, in order to solve the problem that the traditional lateral shear interferometer cannot do simultaneous acquisition of  interferograms in two orthogonal directions to restore the wavefront ,we carries out research around the laser wavefront detection  using a method of the four wave of transverse shear .we analysis the theoretical model of four wave shearing interferometer and the method of getting  interference diagrams in two orthogonal shear directions from the single frame shear diagram. The  general orthogonal grating four wave shear scheme and an improved chessboard grating four wave shear scheme is introduced .we make an exploration of four wave shearing interference experiment with the use of ordinary orthogonal grating, select a better interference graph in some four wave shear interferograms in some typical cases, recovery processing of the shearing wavefront is made.

    Keywords  wavefront measurement  Shearing Interferometry  Orthogonal grating,Checkerboard grating

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 论文研究背景 1

    1.2 波前检测的方法及各方法的利弊 1

    1.2.1 哈特曼检验法 1

    1.2.2夏克-哈特曼检验法 2

    1.2.3剪切干涉法 3

    1.3 论文主要研究内容和工作 4

    2 四波横向剪切干涉技术 6

    2.1 四波横向剪切干涉的理论模型 6

    2.2 四波横向剪切干涉的实现技术 8

    2.3 本章小结 12

    3 四波剪切波前检测实验 13

    3.1总体实验方案 13

    3.1.1实验光路图 13

    3.1.2实验参数方案 13

    3.2 实验系统介绍 17

    3.2.1实验光路图片 17

    3.2.2实验器件介绍 17

    3.3 实验结果与分析 18

    3.4 本章小结 21

    4 结论 22

    4.1 全文总结 22

    4.2 有待解决的问题 22

    致 谢 23


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