

    毕业论文关键词 干涉成像光谱技术 横向剪切分束器 剪切量 光学结构


    Title  Design and research of lateral shearing beam splitter 


    Abstract Imaging interferometry to obtain spatial and spectral measured target a wealth of information, so the military reconnaissance, scientific experiments, environmental monitoring, aerospace remote sensing, surveying, and engineering resources, agriculture and many other areas has important application value. Image plane imaging interferometry is the interference imaging spectrometer technology research hotspot. This paper describes the image plane imaging interferometer spectrometer basic principles and imaging optical system, highlighting the key optical components Sagnac transverse shear beam splitter optical structures and imaging requirements, combined with Geometer's Sketchpad right transverse shear beam splitter optical analysis a step further, the lateral displacement d of the influencing factors; and from the entrance pupil size, pupil distance into the field of view, the entrance pupil height of four parameters required internal dimensions of the Sagnac is solved.

    Keywords  Interference imaging spectroscopy  Transverse shear beam splitter  Optical design  amount of cut  Optical structure

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1时间调制型 1

    1.2.2空间调制型 2

    1.3  主要研究工作 3

    2  干涉成像技术 5

    2.1  干涉成像技术基本原理 5

    2.2  傅里叶变换光谱学的基本方程 7

    3  Sagnac干涉仪设计 10

    3.1  横向剪切分束器剪切量的确定 11

    3.1.1  光谱分辨率 11

    3.1.2  干涉图采样及傅里叶变换的实施 12

    3.2  干涉仪错位量与剪切量的计算 13

    3.3  Sagnac干涉仪的两片高反镜的设计 14

    4  实验结果与分析 21

    4.1  实验装置的搭建 21

    4.2  实验图像与分析

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