    摘要随着当今世界船舶航运事业的发展,航运领域对海洋的污染也越来越严重,幸运的是人们的环境保护意识也在日益增强。1973年和 1978年国际海事组织发布的相关公约,在船舶污水排放方面做出了明确的规定,引起了一场船舶设备向着更高科技与更绿色前进的浪潮。因此,在船舶设备更新换代的路上自然少不了计算机的身影, 目前嵌入式作为以计算机科学为核心的技术在这方面的应用逐渐开始崭露头角,成为用来更新船舶设备的研究热点。本文就这一热点问题尝试提出更简洁且准确的舱底水油份检测报警装置, 用来检测将要排出船舶的舱底水中的油污浓度, 防止所排放的舱底污水对大海的生态环境造成污染。该装置采用双通道的入射采集进行相互补偿的办法,来减少因外界环境改变而对传感器产生的影响;并且采取了红外散射-透射比值这一低成本且精确的方法进行水油份浓度的检测。首先在硬件方面,该装置主要包含7 个模块:传感器、发射电路模块、接收电路模块、放大滤波模块、双通道的A/D 转换模块、液晶显示模块、报警模块。先分开设计并调试各个功能模块,再将其组合到一起实现检测报警功能。其次在软件方面,详细介绍了以Cortex-M3 为内核的ARM 系列中的STM32小型开发板在本设计中的应用; 及需要编写的相关程序: 双通道的 A/D采样转换、液晶显示模块、报警模块、STM32 IOS-MINI标准接口的驱动;通过这些编写的程序来连接硬件间的配合工作,进而实现设备整体的运行,能够准确检测舱底水油份浓度。最后将硬件与软件结合起来做出原理机型进行调试。 从设计原理与运行结果上来看,本文所设计的装置有较高的可行性与实用性。59006
    毕业论文关键词:水油份浓度,15PPM 报警,双通道采集与转换,STM32 
    Abstract With the development of world’s shipping industry, the marine pollution causedby the shipping industry tends to be more serious. However, luckily, people’s attentionto environmental protection is boosting. Relevant conventions were issued byInternational Maritime Organization in 1973 and 1978. Conventions regulated sewageemission clearly. And it led to more advanced and greener technology developmenttide of ship equipments. Obviously, on this upgrading and replacement journey,computer plays an irreplaceable role. Currently, the imbedded technology at the coreof computer science is gradually emerging and becoming the research hotspot forupgrading the ship equipments.This paper attempts to propose a more concise and accurate alarm device todetect bilge water’s oil content so as to prevent it from polluting the marine ecologicalenvironment. The device adopts the dual-channel ray acquisition method for mutualcompensation to reduce the impact of changes in the external environment to thesensor. Moreover, the ratio of infrared reflection-transmission which is the low-costand precise method is applied to detect the oil content.As far as hardware is concerned, the device mainly contains 7 modules: sensor,transmitting circuit, receiving circuit, amplifying and filtering, dual-channel A / Dconverter, LCD and alarm. It designs and commissions each functional moduleseparately.After that, it combines them to realize the detection alarm function.Second, for software, it carefully introduces the application of ARM SeriesSTM32 small development board with Cortex-M3 as the micro-kernel. Relevantprocedures need be programmed: dual-channel A/D sampling converter, LCD module,alarm module, driving of STM32 IOS-MINI standard interface. Through theseprograms, the equipment realizes the overall operation and accurately detects the oilcontent of the bilge water. Finally, the principium model is designed by combining hardware and softwareand then commission is carried out. In terms of the design principle and operatingresults, the designed device in the paper boasts high feasibility and practicality.
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