


    毕业论文关键词:数字信号处理  数字测频  宽带数字接收机  欠采样测频   信道化   


    Title  High-speed broadband digital frequency Measurement   techniques 


    In the field of modern electronic war,the operational environment of EWRR(Electronic War Reconnaissance Receiver) is more and more complex In many radar countermeasure applications,it urgently demanded for characterestics of EWRR of wideband,high intercept probability and processing capability of simulataneous singales.Due to the speed improvement of digital-to-analog converter (ADC) and digital signal processor, wideband digital receivers became an important part of modern electronic warfare system.

    In this paper,the frequency measurement technology of wideband digital receiver signals for simultaneous multi-signal is analyzed in detail,and the results of processing are simulated and analyzed.Then,the principles of several methods of frequency measurement are summed up.Afterward, the principle which describes sub-Nyquist sampling digital frequency measurement are discussed.And sulotions to the illegibility problem are put forward and proved to be correct.Finally,the method of digital channelized filters is discussed. A polyphase filter bank is designed and the scheme based on the filters is simulated to prove its performance.

    keywords:  Digital Signal Processing    Digital frequency measurement  Wideband digital receiver   Sub-Nyquist sampling   Channelized filters

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  测频技术的发展及趋势 2

    1.3  本文的工作 3

    2  有噪信号的产生 4

    2.1信号模型 4

    2.2  噪声模型 5

    2.3  本文仿真所用的信号模型 6

    3  同时多信号测频技术 8

    3.1  基于DFT算法的测频技术 8

    3.2  功率谱估计 10

    3.2.1  经典功率谱估计法 10

    3.2.2  高分辨率谱估计 14

    4  欠采样数字测频技术 20

    4.1  单通道延迟欠采样 20

    4.2  算法仿真 21

    5  信道化测频技术 24

    5.1   基于多相滤波器组的信道化方法 24

    5.2  系统仿真与分析 26

    5.3  两种信道化接收机模型的比较

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