


    毕业论文关键字:红外通信  单片机  红外发射  红外接收


    Title  Design of Receiving Circuit For Infrared Wireless Transmission System

     As the infrared data transmission with good concealment, low power consumption and other advantages. Because it has certain advantages at close range data transmission and anti-jamming performance, so the infrared communication and the infrared  remote  control technology is developing rapidly in recent years.

    This design is precisely  based on  the technology, and design a receiving circuit for the infrared wireless transmission system. The circuit includes the infrared receiver circuit, the main control processing circuit, the display circuit, the  infrared  transmission  circuit  and  other   main  modules  compositions. Infrared receiver circuit  receives  infrared signal from  an external circuit, and then transfers the signal to the  main  control processing circuit,to complete the follow-up display  and  signal processing, and transmits a response signal to the transmitter in order to achieve the circuit functions.

    Keywords: Infrared Communication, Microcontroller, Infrared emission, Infrared Receiver

    目  次

    1 引言 1

    1.1红外通信的原理 1

    1.2红外通信的现状及前景 2

    1.3本论文主要研究工作 3

    2 系统方案分析 4

    2.1系统构成 4

    2.2总体方案 4

    2.3可行性讨论 5

    3 硬件电路设计 6

    3.1单片机控制电路 6

    3.1.1单片机简介 6

    3.1.2控制电路 7

    3.2接收模块 8

    3.2.1元器件简介 8

    3.2.2发射电路 9

    3.3红外接收电路 10

    3.3.1元器件简介 10

    3.3.2接收电路 11

    3.4显示电路 12

    3.5总体模块电路 13

    4 软件设计 14

    4.1总体流程 14

    4.2程序设计思想 15

    4.3最终程序 18

    4.4小结 18


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