


    毕业论文关键词  矩形微带天线;天线阵;高增益;HFSS;Ku波段;阻抗匹配


    Title     The design of the microstrip antenna           

    Abstract Micro-strip antenna is often chosen in applications. It has small size, light weight, thin profiles, etc. But as the basic properties, the efficiency and direction of one single  micro-strip antenna are very difficult to do well. In order to solve this fundamental problem, pose a number of micro-strip antenna arrays, has become a common solution.

    In this paper, a micro-strip antenna array with high gain which works in 13GHz frequency is designed. This paper expatiates the micro-strip antenna and antenna array's basic theory, the realization of feed network and impedance matching. Basic steps of designing a a single rectangular antenna and binary array are also introduced. Finally, based on the analysis of the structure and performance of linear array, binary array is put forward to further extend into eight elements linear array. From the simulation results, multiple array really does improve the gain, but also will lead to increase in the number of side lobe, the directional variation.

    Keywords  rectangular micro strip antenna; antenna array; high gain; HFSS;  Ku; Impedance matching

    1  引言 1

    1.1  微带天线的基本概念和特点 1

    1.2  微带天线阵 2

    1.3  微带天线国内外的发展情况和趋势 3

    1.4  设计目标和内容安排 5

    2  微带天线的基本原理 7

    2.1  微带天线的基本原理 7

    2.2  微带天线的分析方法 9

    2.3  矩形微带天线 14

    2.4  本章小结 19

    3  天线阵原理 20

    3.1  二元阵与方向图乘积定理 20

    3.2  均匀直线阵 21

    3.3  本章小结 24

    4  微带天线阵元的设计及仿真 25

    4.1  阵元的设计 25

    4.2  馈电与匹配 27

    4.3  微带天线阵阵元的仿真 31

    4.4  本章小结 44

    5  微带天线阵列的设计与仿真 45

    5.1  馈电网络的设计

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