


    毕业论文关键词  微波功率放大器  匹配电路  线性度  ADS


    Title    Design of Microwave Linear Power Amplifier                      

    Abstract Microwave linear power amplifiers are the hard-core of the transmitter,  widely used in the wireless communications and military system areas,      and are playing a more and more important role in navigation、radar、 mobile communications、satellite communications and so on.They are often required to output some powers at a point of frequency or within a range of frequencies;the performance of the power amplifiers already becomes the key factor for restricting the capability and technique realizing of the whole transmit system.

    This paper firstly offers the gain distribution and design methods for all lever circuit in the base of the target desire and summarizes the methods of linear power amplifiers.Then this essay designs the bias circuits、       stability and matching circuits using software ADS and Smith tool of the power amplifiers and presents the simulation results.

    Keywords  Microwave Power Amplifier, Matching Circuit, Linearity, ADS

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  功率放大器的应用 1

    1.2  线性功放的国内外发展概况【1】【2】【3】 1

    1.3  本文的内容安排 2

    2  微波功率放大器的理论基础 4

    2.1  二端口网络的S参数【4】 4

    2.2  功率放大器的分类【5】【6】 5

    2.3  功率放大器的主要技术指标 8

    2.4  阻抗匹配电路概述【5】【15】【16】 18

    2.5  本章小结 20

    3  功率放大器的线性化技术 22

    3.1  功率回退法【18】 22

    3.2  前馈法【19】【20】【21】 22

    3.3  负反馈法【22】 24

    3.4  预失真法【23】【24】【25】【26】 24

    3.5  本章小结 26

    4  ADS基本知识和仿真介绍 27

    4.1  ADS简介 27

    4.2  ADS的仿真步骤和要点 28

    4.3  本章小结 29

    5  微波功率放大器电路的设计和仿真 30

    5.1  功率放大器的设计方法

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