


    关键词  小孔耦合  定向耦合器  HFSS仿真


    Title     Ka Band Waveguide Coupler Design And Simulation                     

    Abstract The directional coupler is a microwave device which is widely used in microwave system,it is the nature of microwave signal power allocation according to certain proportion.The main technical indicators are directional, VSWR, coupling, insertion loss.

    Directional coupler constituted by the transmission lines, coaxial, rectangular waveguide, circular waveguide, stripline and microstrip can constitute directional coupler,so from a structural point of view there are a wide variety of directional couplers. To meet the requirement that the insertion loss is less than 0.2dB, 40dB coupling,by comparing the difficulty of design and simulation and accuracy of the results,the final choice is based on the two-hole directional coupler theory.Through calculation parameters to determine the overall realization of the program and complete the circuit design, cavity design, and then use HFSS to simulate the design, the final parameters can be adjusted based on the results, it basically meet the design requirements.

    Keywords  Small hole coupling  Directional coupler  HFSS simulation     

    1  引言(或绪论) 1

    1.1 概述 1

    1.2 章节分布 2

    2  矩形波导 4

    2.1 矩形波导中的模式 4

    2.2 TE10模的场结构及其传输参量 5

    2.3 本章小结 9

    3 定向耦合器的基础知识 10

    3.1 定向耦合器的原理 10

    3.2 定向耦合器的性能指标 11

    3.3 定向耦合器的类型 12

    3.4 定向耦合器的网络分析 14

    3.5 本章小结 16

    4  矩形波导双孔定向耦合器设计 17

    4.1 矩形波导双孔定向耦合器的工作原理 14

    4.2 矩形波导双孔定向耦合器的尺寸 18

    4.3 本章小结 19

    5  HFSS软件仿真 20

    5.1 HFSS软件的计算原理 20

    5.2 建立HFSS工程的一般过程 24

    5.3 在HFSS中建立矩形波导双孔定向耦合器模型 24

    5.4 实际问题的讨论 27

    5.5 本章小结

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