

    毕业论文关键词   微带天线  圆极化  双向辐射  贴片天线  阵列


    Title    Design on Bi-directional radiation circularly   polarized microstrip patch array antenna                      

    Abstract   In the working environment of business offices or corridors of the hotel,the omnidirectional antenna cannot meet the depth on both sides of the regional communication coverage requirements.To cope with the problem,a patch array antenna with a bi-directional radiation pattern has been designed by using microstrip structure. The proposed radiating element has Square Cutaway structure to implement circular-polarization pattern.The array consists of two antisymmetric elements and center-fed through a coaxial probe to obtain inverse current distribution along its longitudinal direction,so that a bidirectional radiation pattern can be achieved.Simulated results show that the relative bandwidth of 4.9%,the direction gain of 1.64dB,and circular polarization have been achieved.The bi-directional radiation characteristics of the antenna  can greatly reduce the construction costs of 3G indoor communication system and help to improve the quality and capacity of the entire network.

    Keywords   Microstrip antenna   Circularly polarized   Bi-directional radiation   Patch antenna   Array

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景和意义 1

    1.1.1微带天线简介 1

    1.1.2圆极化天线简介 1

    1.1.3双向辐射天线简介 1

    1.2 圆极化微带天线的国内外研究动态与发展趋势 2

    1.3 本文的主要内容 2

    2 微带天线圆极化技术 2

    2.1微带天线基本理论 2

    2.2微带天线辐射机理和分析方法 4

    2.3圆极化波的产生 5

    2.4圆极化波的性质 6

    2.5圆极化波的参数 6

    3 一点馈圆极化微带天线 7

    3.1简并分离 7

    3.2等效电路及参量 10

    3.3圆极化条件分析 12

    4 切对角微带天线的设计与分析 13

    4.1 天线结构 13

    4.2仿真结果与分析 15

    4.2.1仿真结果 15

    4.2.2贴片尺寸对谐振频率的影响 18


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