


    Prediction modeling and Simulation of radio wave propagation characteristics in subway tunnel

    Abstract:With the continuous improvement of people's economic level and the technological level of communication, people on communication quality requirements are increasing, the communication between people gradually involved in limited space, such as indoor, in tunnels, subway, such as coal. Therefore, this paper presents a method of characteristics of wave propagation prediction of rectangular tunnel. First of all, this article first through the status quo and problems of communication in the tunnel of the signal source and the antenna system in the tunnel coverage required for selection, and the tracking ray tracing model, can accurately predict the wave propagation characteristics of the ray tracing method, but its computational complexity is higher, so we put forward a can be exactly calculated by the transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna main path and avoid the computational complexity of the ray tracing process, this method is based on the principle of geometrical optics in 3D reflection path into 2D reflection path, accurately calculate the path between the receiving antenna, and finally by the characteristics of the propagation model of ray tracing algorithm improved the bandwidth of Channel Tunnel Based on the internal, according to several parameters, the time delay spread and receiving power finally draw the conclusion that the cross-sectional area of tunnel is bigger, sending and receiving Antenna is approximately close, the average experimental diffusion and RMS delay spread of the received multipath signal is greater.

    KeyWords:Ray tracing algorithm; communication; signal source; antenna systems; time delay spread

    目  录

    第1章  绪论 5

    1.1  研究隧道中无线电波传播的概述和意义 5

    1.2  研究现状与水平 5

    1.3  本文的主要工作 6

    1.4  论文结构 7

    第2章  信号源和天馈系统的选择 7

    2.1  信号源 7

    2.2  天馈系统 8

    2.3  本章小结 9

    第3章  预测电波方法的分类 9

    3.1  统计方法 10

    3.2  混合方法 10

    3.3  射线跟踪法

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