


    毕业论文关键词  微带天线  小型化  圆极化  双频   


    Title    Research of a compact circular polarization antenna 



    With the development of wireless communications,equipment integration is being higher and higher.Also,the research of compact circular polarization microstrip antenna research is being further.This theis expounds the basic theory of microstrip antenna, including electrical parameters, feed mode, research trend and so on。At the same time,it also introduces the basic concept of miniaturization and circular polarization microstrip antenna. Based on the theory, a compact miniaturized dual-band antenna has been designed to meet the requirements. 

    This compact dual-band circular polarization microstrip antenna, is working at the 1.268 GHz and 1.575 GHz. The antenna has two layers of medium, the upper material is TMM10i, the lower is the dielectric ceramics. The radius of antenna is only 12.7 mm, thickness is 11.27 mm, to achieve the design requirements of the miniaturization. At the same time, the design of antenna can also has good performance. Both of the reflection coefficient(S11) of the designed antenna at 1.268 GHz and 1.575 GHz are less than -10 dB, so it can receive antenna signal well. The antenna also has good gain at both low frequency and high frequency, which is 4.0 dB and 3.85 dB respectively. Finally the design is summarized and the future work are also given. 

    Keywords  microstrip antenna  miniaturization  circular polarization


    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  国内外研究现状 1

    1.2  几种常见的定位系统 2

    1.3  课题研究的意义 3

    1.4  Ansoft HFSS高频仿真软件的介绍 3

    1.5  本文的主要工作与内容安排 4

    2  微带天线的基本理论 4

    2.1  微带线概述 4

    2.2  微带天线的电参数 5

    2.3  微带天线的馈电方式 6

    2.4  微带线的性能 6

    2.5  微带天线的研究趋势

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