


    毕业论文关键词  微带天线 基片集成波导 功分器 天线阵列 电参数 HFSS  ADS 


    Title   Design of microstrip patch antenna array used in    biomedical engineering                                  


    A 2X2 microstrip patch antenna array with the input impendence of 50Ωis designed on Rogers microwave material RT5880, it can work on the frequency of 5.8GHz, and its gain is up to 9dB, and its relative bandwidth reaches 2~5% . The microstrip patch antenna array which designed in this subject is applied in the biomedical engineering in order to measure signs of life, compared with the substrate integrated waveguide slot antenna, its size is smaller, furthermore, it also can meet the requirements of gains as well as the substrate integrated waveguide slot antenna.

    According to the theory of microstrip , we can acquire the size of the antenna array. We design power pider which can make the input power become 4 equal parts, then each  part of input power will be transmitted to the unit of antenna array. The electrical parameters of the 2x2 microstrip patch antenna array are analyzed based on the theory of antenna array, including the pattern of the array antenna, gains and the bandwidth. Then the module of the microstrip array antenna is established, we simulate it by using HFSS and ADS, and we obtaine good results.

    Keywords  Microstrip antenna ; Substrate  integrated  waveguide ; Power pider; Antenna array ; Electrical parameters ; HFSS ; ADS

    目   次  

    1  引言 1

    1.1 天线的基本特征(电参数) 1

    1.1.1  天线的辐射阻抗 2

    1.1.2  天线的带宽 2

    1.1.3  天线的方向图 2

    1.1.4 天线的方向性系数 4

    1.1.5 天线的效率 6

    1.1.6天线的增益 6

    1.2 天线阵列 7

    1.2.1  电磁波干涉与叠加原理 7

    1.2.2  阵列天线的方向图乘积定理 9

    1.3 课题设计步骤 11

    2  单个微带贴片天线的设计 12

    2.1 微带辐射贴片尺寸设计 12

    2.2辐射贴片与馈线的阻抗匹配设计 12

    3  天线阵列的设计(包括功分网络 21

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