
    摘要微带天线是由介质基片和贴在介质基片上的辐射贴片所组成的,介质基片带有金属地板。贴片导体种类繁多,能被制作成多种形状。同常规的微波天线相比 较,微带天线具有较为显著的优点,其质量轻、散射面积小、适合于组合式设计。 因此,其在其在频域范围 100MHz 至 50GHz 的宽频带范围内有较为广泛的应用。68521

    本文主要讨论的是矩形微带贴片天线的设计与仿真。文中介绍了微带天线的 课题背景与发展历史,并较为详细讲述了矩形微带贴片天线的设计原理与设计步 骤,最后,通过对接地板开槽矩形微带贴片天线的设计与仿真来讨论天线的性能。 设置合适的参数从而设计出最优的微带贴片天线,使其能达到所需的设计要求。

    本文采用了 HFSS(高频结构仿真)软件进行设计与仿真,通过对仿真图的分析调整贴片天线的尺寸,设计出合适的微带贴片天线。微带贴片天线 HFSS 软件 宽频带 开槽
    Title  The Design and Simulation Of Microstrip Patch Antenna


    Microstrip antenna is constituted by radiation patch which stick on a dielectric substrate with floors of metal. The patch conductors are variety of kind and can replace any shape. Compared with the common microwave antenna, the microstrip antenna has such advantage as light quality, small scattering cross section and suit for unit design. Therefore, it has been widely used in broadband at 100MHz-50GHz.

    The paper is mainly discuss the design and simulation of rectangle microstrip anteena, this paper introduce the project background and history of development, and it introduce the theory of microstrip antenna in detail, lastly, via the design and simulation of gainingrectangle microstrip anteena,we discuss the performance of it. Setting the appropriate parameter to design the optimum microstrip patch antenna, letting it reach the design requirements.

    The paper adopt the HFSS(High Frequency Structure Simulator)software to

    design and simulation, Analyzing the results figure to adjust the size of antenna, and design the proper microstrip antenna.

    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 微带天线的结构 1

    1.3 微带天线的性能及其应用 3

    1.4 微带天线发展历史及国内外发展现状 3

    1.5 本文主要研究内容 4

    2 微带贴片天线及原理概述 6

    2.1 微带贴片天线的定义 6

    2.2 微带贴片天线的辐射机理 6

    2.3 微带贴片天线的馈电方法 6

    2.4 矩形微带贴片天线的分析方法 8

    2.5 矩形微带贴片天线的设计步骤 10

    2.6 矩形微带贴片天线的不准确性分析

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