


    毕业论文关键词  超音速  弹头激波信号   包络特征   拟合波形


    Title  Analysis of supersonic bullet shock signal envelope characteristics 

    Abstract As everyone knows, when the supersonic guns shot, the bullet will fly over the sound and produce bullet shock signal.The recognition system can identify the guns through the envelope characteristics of supersonic bullet shock signal and can be used to assist to locate the firing point.The envelope characteristics of supersonic bullet shock signal were studied under this background.

    According to the detection method of supersonic bullet shock signal,we record a group of shot signal under different conditions of 7.62 mm rifle firing.Then according to the detection method of warhead shock wave signal.By analyzing the measured data,we discuss the effects of acquisition device location of the signal in detail, describe qualitatively and analysis quantitatively the envelope characteristics of the measured supersonic bullet shock signal.We try to use MATLAB to fit the characteristics of the supersonic bullet shock waveform envelope, found that it has changes of fixed,the envelope can be showed by Gauss function,and the coefficients of the Gauss function are affected by the distance between the acquisition system and the muzzle.

    Keywords  Supersonic  Projectile shockwave signal  Envelope characteristics  Fitting the waveform

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究意义与背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究动态 1

    1.3 论文主要工作和组织结构 4

    2 超音速弹头激波信号的产生以及检测识别原理 4

    2.1 超音速弹头激波信号的产生 5

    2.2 超音速弹头激波信号检测 8

    2.3 超音速弹头激波信号识别 10

    3 超音速弹头激波信号的采集与分析 11

    3.1 超音速弹头激波信号采集 11

    3.1.1  便携式麦克风阵列音频信号采集系统 11

    3.1.2  采集试验环境 12

    3.2 超音速弹头激波信号的分析 13

    3.2.1  建筑物对超音速弹头激波信号的影响 13

    3.2.2  麦克风到弹道和射击者的距离对超音速弹头激波信号的影响 14

    3.2.3  盲区信号分析

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