



    毕业论文关键词  步进电机  细分驱动器  FPGA


    Title     Design of the Subpision Driver of Stepper   Motor Based on FPGA                                      

    Abstract Stepper motor is a common execution unit in the area of industrial control. It is widely used in numerical control machines, medical instruments, measuring instruments, etc. There are three main kinds of stepper motor, respectively is permanent-magnetic, reactive and hybrid stepper motor.

    In this paper, I firstly construct a mathematical model of a three-phase hybrid stepper motor. And then, I describe the working and control principle of stepper motor in detail and explore the subpision drive principle of a four-phase stepper motor. At last, for realizing the subpision of stepper motor, I propose a plan of a subpision which is based on FPGA. In the design, I choose the EP1C12Q240C8 model which is produced by Altera Corporation. And then, I realize the programming and simulation of each module in the system by using QuartusⅡ. The circuit works in a good condition.

    Compared with SCM, the computing speed of FPGA is higher and it is more stable. FPGA will be used on a large scale in the future.

    Keywords  Stepper Motor   the Subpision Driver   FPGA

    1  绪论   1

    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义  1

    1.2 国内外研究情况概述  2

    1.3 论文结构  4

    2  步进电机的原理  5

    2.1  步进电机概述  5

    2.2  步进电机种类  5

    2.3  步进电机的技术指标  7

    2.4  步进电机的工作原理  8

    2.5  本章小结  12

    3  系统硬件电路设计  13

    3.1  步进电机的细分驱动原理  13

    3.2  基于FPGA的细分器硬件设计 15

    3.3  本章小结  19

    4  基于QuartusⅡ软件的系统软件设计和实现  20

    4.1  设计方法介绍  20

    4.2  QuartusⅡ环境下系统软件的设计  22

    4.3  系统各模块的设计  25

    4.4  QuartusⅡ环境下细分器逻辑电路  29

    4.5  本章小结  30

    结论  31

    致谢  32

    参考文献  33

    1  绪论

    1.1  课题研究的背景和意义


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