


    毕业论文关键词:语音信号, 特征参数提取, LPCC ,MFCC,Matlab仿真等


    Title Research  about  characteristic  parameters of   the   speech    recognition                    

    Abstract With the development of information technology and multimedia technology, the realization of human voice interaction has become increasingly urgent demand for us . Speech signal processing technology continues to evolve. The speech signal contains not only a lot of useful information, but also a lot of redundant information.So,in the speech analysis,  the correct speech signal characteristic parameters has been one of the main research . Correct and efficient voice signal flow will accelerate the development of communication technology, and also will accelerate the real-time human-computer interaction and efficiency, which will be the direction of future voice signal processing technology approaching . Modern speech signal characteristic parameter study is based on linear prediction coefficients (LPCC) and Mel cepstral coefficients (MFCC) or even the combination of the two. The characteristic parameter extraction of speech signal  is the main  research direction of speech signal processing,as always.

    Purpose of this paper is to extract characteristic parameters of the speech signal, and verify the validity of parameter. This paper first introduced the speech signal theory in time domain and frequency domain then presented the voice signal processing of multiple processes theory.After analyzed the feature of speech signals in detail, we used Matlab software to simulate the algorithms.Finally, the LPCC and MFCC parameter of the speech signal are extracted.

    Key words: speech signal, characteristic parameters extraction, LPCC,    MFCC, Matlab simulation


    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1 语音信号处理技术简介 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状及论文选题意义 3

    1.3 论文主要研究内容及结构安排 3

    第二章 语音信号分析 4

    2.1 概述 4

    2.2 语音数字化和预处理 4

    2.2.1 数字化 4

    2.2.2 预处理 5

    2.2.3 窗函数的选择 5

    2.3 语音信号的时域分析 7

    2.3.1 信号能量、平均幅度分析

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