




    毕业论文关键词     红外焦平面阵列探测器,测试系统,响应度


    Title  Infrared focal plane array detector response characteristics                      


    Infrared focal plane array detector is an infrared detection system and an infrared thermal imaging device key components, it is widely used in military and civilian fields, has great application and development prospects. The parameters of the test system performance, especially in response characteristics are very important.

    The main work is in the analysis of infrared focal plane array detector test requirements, based on the test system through self-designed, we can get the response of each pixel voltage data, through which to study the response characteristics.

    Firstly, from the infrared focal plane array detector output signal acquisition and performance testing two aspects of analysis and research, and then based on virtual instrument technology design and implementation of an infrared focal plane array detector test system. Main modules including infrared sources, infrared focal plane array detectors, signal conditioning modules, data acquisition and control module and processing module. The hardware design of the test system based on PXI bus architecture, software design using LabWindows / CVI modular programming.

    Then, the measured data to study the test uncooled infrared focal plane array detector photoelectric response relationships and influencing factors (the main area blackbody and ambient temperature blackbody radiation aperture, focal-plane pixel size, bold exit aperture to the focal plane pixel perpendicular distance) and the analysis of different environmental conditions (ambient temperature) for uncooled infrared focal plane array detector response. Through analysis pointed out that choosing the right area blackbody temperature and the ambient temperature, we were able to get a good response characteristics to obtain a clear image.

    Keywords  Infrared focal plane array detectors, test system responsiveness,response

    1  引言 1

    1.1  红外技术概述 1

    1. 2  红外探测技术概述 1

    1. 3  红外探测器概述 2

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