
    摘要平晶是在光学冷加工中常用到的计量器具,而平面度是其参数指标中极其重要的一个环节。平面度是指基片具有的宏观凹凸高度相对理想平面的偏差,作为测量标准其本身的平面度指标需具备良好的精度。在我国现行的计量领域还主要依靠人工目视测量,采用光圈公差( )和局部光圈公差( )来表征。这种测量方式的判读效率以及结果精度以及远远不能满足经济社会发展的速度需求。


    毕业论文关键词  平面度   线性对比度展宽  背景去除  旋转  中值滤波  细化


    Title    Flatness measurement system-interference fringe  image  preprocessing  algorithm                                         

    Abstract    Flat crystal is commonly used as measure instruments in optical cold processing , and the flatness is an extremely important aspect of its parameters. The plane is refers to the substrate with the macroscopic bump height relative deviation from ideal plane, as the measuring standard plane index itself needs to have good accuracy. In China, current measurement field still rely mainly on manual visual measurement, using aperture tolerance (N) and local aperture (△N) to characterize. The measurement results of the recognition efficiency and accuracy can not meet the needs of economic and social development speed.

    This project is based on the PG15-J4 laser interferometer modified platform. It is a combination of CCD image sensor technology and computer image processing, which not only improves the degree of automation measurement but also improves the index. The paper firstly introduces the working principle of PG15 - J4 laser interferometer, and go on to process the interference pattern acquired on the platform digitally , filtering gray change and image denoising.Next the binaryzation and stripe thinning are extremely important . Finally we get the single pixel stripes. Than we can calculate the flatness index according to the interpretation of provisions of the law GB283181. The comparison of the final results indicate compliance with the JJG requirements of 28-2000D verification regulation, reaching the goal advance that testing efficiency is improved at the same time to ensure the accuracy of measurement.

    This paper introduces an image processing technique based on the flatness measurement system, the system will be PG15-J4 type laser interferometric visual part of the transformation system for digital CCD camera, the interference fringes image into computer, automatically calculate the flatness evaluation index by using image processing technology. Study on the interference fringes related image processing algorithms, using MATLAB prepared a preprocessing algorithm for interference fringe image (including linear contrast stretch, background removal, rotating, median filtering) simulation software, and the actual image processing.

    Keywords   flatness      linear contrast stretch   background removal   rotation    the median filter     stripe thinning  

    1  绪论 1

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