


    毕业论文关键词  微波宽带均衡器,微带均衡器,同轴均衡器,行波管,放大器


    Title    Ku-band broadband equalizer design  


    This paper studied the microwave broadband equalizer, according to its types can be pided into microstrip and coaxial type, puts forward the design method of more reasonable.The design method of microstrip equalizer to minor resistor loaded microstrip resonator is the basic structure composed of circuit topology, a coaxial type using the coaxial resonant cavity and the way to design, elaborates the concrete step of the design, this paper introduces how to use the computer optimization method to optimize the design of the circuit module, the design method in this thesis for microwave power equalizer are studied in detail, designed two broadband microwave power equalizer, reached in a designated frequency band has to meet requirements of the equilibrium quantity, small standing wave and other requirements.The planar microstrip power equalizer has the advantages of small volume, light weight, easy processing, and the advantages of system integration, and has good application prospect in the circuit miniaturization, high performance.The wideband coaxial power equalizer achieves high power capacity, adjustable attenuation range, adjust the degree-of-freedom higher requirements, has good practical value circuit with complex transmission characteristics in high power TWT etc. in.

    Through this method we can meet the requirements of broadband microwave equalizer.Equalizer is implemented by this method, can provide a balanced weight greater than 10dB in the frequency range of 8~16GHz, not only can satisfy the request of the power module is a good index, but also can be applied to ordinary traveling wave tube, and solid state power amplifier circuit.

    Keywords  microwave power equalizer, microstrip equalizer, coaxial equalizer, TravelingWave Tube,amplifier

    目   次

    1 绪论2

    1.1宽带均衡器的研究背景及意义  2

    1.2国内外研究现状  3

    1.3本课题主要研究内容  4

    2宽带均衡器的基本理论分析 5

    2.1宽带均衡器的基本概念  5

    2.2宽带均衡器的分类  7

    2.3宽带均衡器的常见网络分析方法  9

    2.3.1达林顿网络综合法  9

    2.3.2实频数据法  10

    2.3.2原型电路归纳法  15

    2.4计算机优化设计方法  21

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