


    毕业论文关键词  调频定距  差频分析 仿真    



    Title   Electromagnetic environment adaptability of frequency modulated fix-distance Doppler system                            


    Frequency modulated fix-distance Doppler system transmits frequency modulated continuous wave. By processing and analyzing the beat-note ,knowledge such as the speed and the movement of the object can be obtained. The main frequency modulating method includes sine wave FM, triangular wave FM and sawtooth wave FM. The main features of this system includes a highly sensitive receiver, better precision on distancemeasure, more option range for distance,low working requirement for voltage, better anti-jam capability, and a simple structure. Therefore, it is of great importance to conduct a research for its theoretical and practical use. 

    This article will mainly discuss the fix-distance system with triangular wave FM. Firstly, the author will analyze the frequency spectrum of the beat note in both static and moving conditions. Secondly, the article will attempt to demonstrate the derivation of both time-domain and a math expression for the beat note. Further, a distance-setting program is set up which will later be expounded and proved by a simulation based on Matlab/Simulink software. Then, the author suggests a mathematical expression on describing the electromagnetic environment with active jamming. Finally, a simulation based on Matlab is carried out which examines the workflow of beat note processing while the target is approaching.  Besides, the simulation evaluates the effects of noise on the distance-setting program.

    Keywords   frequency spectrum of the beat note    fix-distance Doppler system   simulation

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题的背景及科学意义 1

    1.2  论文工作安排 2

    2  调频定距原理及定距系统方案设计 4

    2.1  调频定距系统原理 4

    2.1.1  静止目标 5

    2.1.2  运动目标 5

    2.2  三角波调频多普勒定距系统信号处理方案 7

    3  调频多普勒定距系统仿真 8

    3.1  概述 8

    3.2  静止目标仿真

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