



    1. 第一章主要介绍了高功率微波的研究背景以及国内外发展现状。对研究内容进行介绍,包括超外差接收机、滤波器、低噪放以及混频器概念。并简要介绍了整篇文章的研究方向。

    2. 第二章介绍了射频滤波器的设计原理。并详细介绍了滤波器的设计以及优化的过程。

    3. 第三章介绍了低噪声放大器的防护设计即限幅器的设计。本文采用PIN二极管作为限幅器的基本组成单元设计电路,并对限幅器的线性区进行了测试。

    4. 第四章介绍了低噪声放大器的设计。本论文使用高电子迁移率晶体管ATF54143作为低噪放的核心组成,设计了低噪放的偏置电路以及输入输出匹配电路。

    5.  第五章介绍了混频器的设计。本论文设计以Gilbert混频器为模型,对混频器的各项技术指标进行了详细的测试。

    毕业论文关键词  高功率微波(HPM) 滤波器  限幅器  低噪放  混频器


    Title      The  Study  of  HPM  Effect on  Receiver  by  the  Front  Door  Coupler           


    With the rapid development of high power microwave, some electromagnetic pulse weapons is beginning to be used in war. While the technology of wireless communication is widely used, the protection to HPM is directly related to the survival ability of communication equipment. High power microwave mainly goes through into the equipment by the front door coupling from the antenna and destroys sensitive devices with the form of strong electromagnetic pulse.

    With the help of software simulation the article researches on satellite receiver which against the front door coupling effect and introduces the theoretical background and research methods of high power receiver. The thesis summarizes research status, key technologies and existing problems of receiver damaged by high power microwave both at home and abroad. The design and simulation of high power receiver is also presented along with filter, low noise amplifier and mixer in receiver front-end.

    This paper mainly focuses on the following points:

    1 The first chapter mainly introduces the current situation of the development of high power microwave at home and abroad. The introduction of the research includes the concept of superheterodyne receiver, filter, low noise amplifier and mixer and briefly introduces the research direction of the article is also in the first chapter.

    2 The second chapter introduces the design principle of RF filter. Filter design and optimization are introduced in detail.

    3 The third chapter introduces the Protection Design of low noise amplifier limiter. This paper uses the PIN diode as the basic unit circuit design slicer, and tests the linear region of limiter.

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