


    毕业论文关键词   L波段  功率放大器  S参数  匹配电路


    Title  Design and Simulation of Microwave Power Amplifier 



    Microwave power amplifier in satellite communications, navigation, electronic countermeasures, radar, wireless communications equipment in the system has very wide application, is the key to modern wireless communication equipment. High output power, high efficiency, high gain and high linearity of the microwave power amplifier can be widely used in mobile communication base station and in the field of digital transmitter and military technology. The third generation mobile communication (3G) technology is a hotspot in the field of current international communication.

    In order to design frequency in the 1.6 GHz microwave power amplifier of high power, high gain, high efficiency, this article from the aspects of theory study of the design of the amplifier. UPC1677B based on NEC and Fujitsu FLL351ME, FLL200IB - 1 three components to design a three-stage L-band microwave power amplifier, its working frequency is 1.6 GHz, the output power of 10W (40dBm) , the gain is not less than 40 dB. Application online ADS software to construct the input and output matching circuit, and the circuit of S parameters are simulated. The simulation results show that the working frequency of 1.6 GHz, the design of power amplifier gain more than 40 dB.

    Keywords  L-band   Power amplifier  S parameters  Matching circuit

    目   次  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  微波功率放大器的应用 1

    1.2  微波功率放大器的研究进展 2

    1.3  本课题研究内容及工作安排 4

    2  微波功率放大器的设计基础 5

    2.1  微波功率放大器的技术指标 5

    2.2  匹配网络设计 12

    2.3  稳定性 14

    2.4  本章小结 14

    3  微波功率放大器的设计 15

    3.1  微波功率放大器的电路设计 15

    3.2  获得最佳阻抗值的方法 17

    3.3  本章小结 18

    4  L波段功率放大器的设计

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