


    毕业论文关键词  三星时差定位  牛顿迭代法  最小二乘法  配对模糊  时差相关性


    Title       Vague Pairing Suppression Technology in  Three-star Passive TDOA Location System              


    Three-star location system uses three satellites to receive signals emitted by a radiation source, and measures the time of arrival of the signals, then determines two hyperboloids of time lag, and achieves 

    real-time precise location with the restriction of bound on the surface of the earth. 

    The main research goals of the subject are positioning algorithm of three-star time-difference location system and vague paring suppression technology. Firstly, the article discusses the principle and iterative process of two time-difference location algorithms- Newton iterative method and least squares iterative method, then simulates the two algorithms with MATLAB, finding that Newton iterative method converges faster and has less complexity, but least squares method is sensitive to the initial value. To effectively eliminate the vague pairing of high-repetition-rate signal, the article simulates the sorting and pairing method using time difference correlation of TDOAs. Finally, the article integrates the result of time-difference pairs and the two location algorithm. The results of time-difference pairs are put into Newton iterative method for location estimation, and choose the time-difference pairs with the least cost function values as real. The method further excludes the interference of false time-difference pairs on the performance of three-star TDOA location.

    Keywords  Three-star TDOA location   Newton iterative method        least squares iterative method   vague pairing   time difference correlation

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  无源定位技术概述 1

    1.2  三星时差定位体制概述 1

    1.3  当前发展现状 2

    1.4  本课题的主要工作及章节安排 3

    第二章  三星时差定位及时差配对模糊原理 4

    2.1  时差定位坐标系 4

    2.2  TDOA定位原理 6

    2.3  高重频信号配对模糊的产生原理[9] 8

    第三章  三星时差定位算法仿真分析

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