



    Abstract: With the development of technology, wireless sensor network has attracted the attention of academia and industry. This design presents a design scheme of wireless temperature sensor network in industrial automation production. The network is composed of a coordinator as the central node and a sensor node as a node. The coordinator is responsible for the inquiries to the terminal node temperature information, from node is responsible for the temperature sensors to collect information and feedback to the coordinator, so as to achieve purpose of temperature monitoring of a region.

    Among the numerous wireless network technologies, the ZigBee based wireless network technology is favored by more and more enterprises and inpiduals with low power consumption, low cost and low complexity. The design of the CC2430 wireless chip internal MCU temperature signal acquisition and the use of IAR embedded application development tool for verification, and ultimately the wireless temperature sensor network design.

    Keywords: ZigBee, wireless sensor, Temperature measurement, CC2430 wireless chip

    目  录

    1 绪  论 4

    1.1 选题背景及意义 4

    1.2 ZIGBEE技术的发展概况 5

    1.3 无线传感器网络的发展概况 5

    1.4 ZIGBEE的应用及特点 6

    1.5 课题研究的主要内容及目的 7

    2 ZIGBEE技术的概述 7

    2.1 ZIGBEE网络的构成 7

    2.2 几种短距离无线通信技术比较 7

    2.3 ZIGBEE协议的概念 9

    2.4 ZIGBEE协议架构 10

    2.5 ZIGBEE堆栈 12

    2.6 ZIGBEE堆栈容量和ZIGBEE设备 13

    2.7 ZIGBEE通信的优势 13

    2.8 ZIGBEE技术应用前景及场合 14

    3 无线传感器网络及温度传感器的概述 14

    3.1 无线传感器网络的概述 14

    3.2 无线传感器网络的主要研究方向 16

    3.3 温度传感器的简介 18

    3.4 温度传感器的发展趋势 19

    3.5 无线温度传感器的基本原理 19

    4 系统的软硬件设计 20

    4.1 CC2430无线芯片简介 20

    4.2 CC2430芯片主要特点

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