
    摘要21 世纪是信息化的时代,伴随着信息科学技术的发展,通信技术在现今社会 发挥了越来越重要的作用,混频器作为现代通信系统中超外差接收机的核心电路, 其性能的优劣对于整个系统的表现具有直接的影响。本文介绍了一种基于 AD8343 芯片设计的混频电路。文中详细介绍了混频器的工作原理和该芯片的数据参数, 并给出了 1GHz 下该混频器的详细设计过程,包括 S 参数的仿真以及该频率下输入 输出端口的阻抗匹配,最终经由单端至差分转换实现电路的实际应用。此外,本 文还详细论述了该混频电路的 PCB 电路板的设计,考虑了微带线的阻抗匹配以减 小电磁干扰,利用 Altuim Designer 设计了 PCB 板, 并最终制板调试。68438

    毕业论文关键词 混频器 AD8343 阻抗匹配 微带线 PCB

    Title       Design about the Mixer of Modern communication systems


    The 21st century is the era of information technology, With the development of information technology, Communications technology has played an increasingly important role in the modern society, As the core circuit of superheterodyne receiver in the modern communication systems,a mixer’s performance will directly affect the performance of the entire system. This paper describes a design of mixer circuit based on the AD8343 chip. This paper introduces the working principles of the mixer and the data parameters of the chip in details, gives the detailed design process of the mixer under 1GHz, including the simulation of S parameters as well as input and output ports impedance match, finally achieved the practical application via single-ended to differential conversion. In addition, This paper also discusses the design of PCB circuit board in detail,take the impedance of the microstrip line into consideration in order to reduce the electromagnetic interference, designs the PCB board by Altuim Designer, finally manufactured the board and debugged it.

    Keywords  Mixer  AD8343  Impedance matching  Microstrip line  PCB

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 本文研究的主要内容与成果 1

    1.3 本文内容安排 2

    2 系统概述 3

    2.1 引言 3

    2.2 发射机概述 3

    2.3 接收机概述 3

    3 混频器原理 5

    3.1 引言 5

    3.2 混频器原理与分类 5

    3.3 混频器的相关参数 6

    3.4 混频器的应用 8

    4 混频器设计与阻抗匹配 10


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