


    毕业论文关键词      海面粗糙度   微波遥感技术   数字图像处理   分形维数  


    Title   Video image analysis by using the method of  texture   features                                                 


    Sea surface roughness is a parameter which is used to describe the characteristics of sea surface , because the change of the surface roughness can indirectly reflect the energy conversion process of ocean and atmosphere, this is very importent for the development and utilization of ocean energy, the measurement of the sea surface roughness is also important in the field of physical ocean research. At present, the measurement of sea surface roughness mainly uses remote sensing technology which is based on satellite altimeter, microwave scatterometer instrument. 

    In this paper, from the view of the fractal of digital image processing, through calculating and researching the relationship between fractal dimension and sea surface roughness to propose and validate the method of seeking sea surface roughness, to provide a reference method to calculate the ocean characteristic parameters in the image field. 

    Keywords  sea surface roughness  remote sensing technology  digital image processing  fractal dimension

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  海面粗糙度 1

    1.3  论文研究内容 3

    2  分形理论概述 4

    2.1  分形理论的发展 4

    2.2  分形的定义 4

    2.3  本章小结 5

    3  图像的分形维求取方法 6

    3.1  基于分形布朗运动的分形维提取 6

    3.2  六种常用的图像的分形维求取方法 7

    3.3  本章小结 14

    4  噪声对分形维数的影响 15

    4.1  高斯噪声 15

    4.2  椒盐噪声 16

    4.3  随机噪声 16

    4.4  乘性噪声 17

    4.5  本章小结 18

    5  实验数据回归分析 19

    5.1  数据采集与实验方法概述 19

    5.2  LSSVM回归模型 20

    5.3  六种方法的实验结果的回归分析

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