






    Title    Image Observation Technology Based on Geometric Analysis                     



    Sea surface roughness is a physical parameter to represent the roughness of the sea surface, which describes the waves of sea on small scale . At present, the research on sea surface roughness is mostly based on remote sensing technique.

    The paper introduces the basic concept of image texture and compare he mainstream techniques of image analysis including : structural analysis , model , signal processing and statistics.statistics is chosen after comparing.

    The paper selects six methods of statistics including grey level co-occurrence matrix, gray-gradient direction matrix, sautocorrelation function, method based on FBM’s brightness difference, Tamura texture features andedge frequency method based on the distance,and different characteristic parameters is selected to represent texture and roughness of the image.At last,LSSVM is used doing regression fitting to build corresponding regression model.

    In short, geometric methods is used to extract characteristic parameters in this paper,and at the end a new model is built to describe the surface roughness of the sea surface.

    Key words: Sea Surface Roughness, Statistical Method, Texture Feature, Image  

               Roughness, LSSVM

    目   次

    1 引言 1

    1.1 研究背景及意义 1

    1.2 海面粗糙度 1

    1.3 研究现状 2

    1.4 论文研究内容 3

    2 纹理图像分析技术 5

    2.1 纹理定义与分类 5

    2.2 纹理特征 5

    2.3 纹理分析技术 5

    2.4 纹理分析应用领域 10

    2.5 本章小结 10

    3 图像纹理特征的提取 11

    3.1 灰度共生矩阵 11

    3.2 灰度梯度方向矩阵 14

    3.3 自相关函数 16

    3.4 基于分形布朗运动模型的亮度差值图像自相关法

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