
    Many plots of the novel follow examples of Dickens’s own life, so this thesis argues that this novel is an autobiography in content. In the preface to the 1867 edition, Dickens wrote, “like many fond parents, I have in my heart of hearts a favorite child. And his name is David Copperfield.”(Dcikens, 1994:1) Just as parents, they will prefer the child who let them feel gratified most, because this child can express parents’ thoughts, wills and ideas. David Copperfield is such a “child” for Dickens, for it not only tells his own story, but also shows his thoughts and political opinions. In David Copperfield, there are many positive images, such as David Copperfield, Clara Peggotty, Ham Peggotty, Agnes Wickfield and so on. Through these characters, Dickens aims to sing the praises of hard-working, kind-hearted, honest and self-reliant laboring people.
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