    摘 要:隋唐五代时期是我国服饰发展的重要阶段,它继承了此前我国服饰发展的成果,把服饰文化推进到了一个新的高度,为此后服饰发展创造了一个良好的条件。这个时期的服饰在我国古代服饰发展史上具有呈上启下、继往开来的历史地位和作用。研究隋唐五代时期服饰的变迁不仅有助于现在的人们对隋唐五代时期服饰的了解,更能从侧面反映出隋唐五代时期人民大众的生活状况,同时也为今天服装业的发展提供了借鉴。38866
    Change Garments of Sui Tang and Five Dynasties Period
    Abstract: Sui Tang and Five Dynasties period is an important stage of the development of China’s clothing, it had inherited the achievements in the development of China’s clothing, the clothing culture to advance to a new level ,to create a good condition for clothing development. This period is open and the dress has the historical status and role, the future in the history of the development of ancient Chinese costumes. Study of the Sui Tang and Five Dynasties period costume changes not only help to people now dress of the understanding of the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties period of the people’s living condition from the side reaction, but also for the development of today’s garment industry provides a reference.
    Key words: The Sui Tang Dynasties; The Five Generation; Men’s Clothing ; Dress; Dress system
    目    录

    摘  要:    1
    Abstract :    1
    一、隋唐五代时期冠帽    2
    (一)幞头    2
    (二)羃离、帷帽    3
    二、隋唐五代时期服装    3
    (一)男子服装    3
    (二)女子服装    5
    三、隋唐五代时期履制    6
    (一)男履    6
    (二)女鞋    6
    四、隋唐五代时期妆容    6
    (一)发型、脂粉、画眉、花钿    6
    (二)斜红、面靥、点唇    7
    五、隋唐五代时期首饰和配饰    8
    (一)假髻、发钗、簪    8
    (二)梳篦和宝钿    9
    (三)颈饰    9
    (四)臂饰、臂钏和指环    9
    (五)腰带带具    10
    参考文献    10
    致谢    12
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