摘 要:《甄异传》东晋志怪小说集。《甄异传》,顾名思义,是经过作者甄别、留选而传写下来的,又名题《甄异记》、《甄异志》、《甄异录》。郑学弢先生曾评价这本书书“所记异闻均为前此志怪书所未载”。 [1]全书一共收录了十七则故事,都是狸怪之事,其中直接说“鬼”的故事就有九篇,最为精彩的是讲人鬼之情的故事,此类故事前人少有记载。本文在对其文献考察整理的基础之上,将故事进行分类归纳整理,从多个角度尝试探求此书的文学文献价值。《甄异传》中不少作品题材别开生面,在小说的内容、形式、观念上都取得了相当的成就,更可贵的是在其艺术形式上也有所创新,既有哲理的议论阐述,又有异术的张扬,成为晋代的上乘之作。本文写作的内容主要针对其文献,文学价值。59086
Abstract: "Zhen Yi Zhuan" is the set of mystery novels. "Zhen Yi Zhuan", as the name suggests, is the result of screening, selection and transfer the author left to write down questions, also known as "Zhen Yi Ji", "Zhen Yi Zhi ", "Zhen Yi Lu". Zheng Xuetao said the book "written ibun are not supported by this mystery book". The book contains seventeen stories, strange things are beaver "ghost", which said there were nine articles, the most exciting is to tell the man ghost love story, this story about the previous few records. Based on the review on the literature on the basis of finishing the story, classification, try to explore the book from the perspective of literary value. "Zhen" theme many strange stories open up a fresh outlook a considerable achievement, has been made in the novel concept, content, form, in the form of art has also been innovative, both philosophical debate on, the expansion of the differences there, become the superior of the Jin dynasty. This paper mainly according to the literature, literary value.
Key words: "Zhen Yi Zhuan"; Classification;The value of literature
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