
    摘  要:刘湾是从盛唐过渡到中唐时期的小诗人,工诗,有名于当时。在全唐诗以及其他诗歌文献中存其诗六首,生平不详,后人研究甚少。本文就其留存于全唐诗中的六首诗歌,联系前人的评价同时参考唐代盛行的交游之风,试图探究刘湾的生平经历、诗歌创作及其交游事迹。本文首先确认其为彭城刘湾而非西蜀刘湾,一生致力于科考做官,从侍御史到职方郎中,仕途相对顺利但一直官职不高。其次分析其诗歌创作,认为刘湾最擅长写边塞之思,内容主要是同情士兵群众,也有抒发自己的爱国之情;其写景的诗歌不多,主要抒发对命运的感慨,基调悲凉。最后探索分析他与钱起、韦应物、元结等人的交游事迹,认为交游对其的诗歌创作风格有一定的影响。59449


    Abstract:Liu Wan is a famous poet who lived in the transitional age from the most prosperous age of Tang Dynasty to the middle Tang Dynasty. He just has six poems included in The Complete Collection of Tang Poems and other classic poetry books. Little was known about his life and few of further studies on Liu Wan can be found. This paper, basing on the six poems, other literature and previous evaluation and reference to the contemporary prevailing friendships , attempts to explore Liu Wan 's life experience, poetry and friendship. Firstly, this article confirms that it is Liu Wan from of Pengcheng rather than Liu Wan from of the west area of Sichuan Province. Liu wan devoted his life to imperial examination and secure an official position ,ranging from attendant censor to staff side official, his official career was relatively smooth but official position did not rank high. Secondly, it analyzes the poetry creation, and thinks that Liu Wan is good at writing the frontier fortress poetry. The content of his poems is mainly about the sympathy for soldiers and masses, as well as his patriotism. His scenic poems are not many few, which mainly express the feeling of fate with the tone of sadness. Finally, this paper explores and analyzes his friendship with Qian Qi, Wei Yingwu, Yuan Jie and others, we considering that his friends have the certain influence on his poetry creation style.

    Key words: Liu Wan; Life; Poem creation; Friendship


    一、 刘湾生平经历

    刘湾,生平不详,据《全唐诗》所录:“刘湾,字灵源,西蜀人,天宝进士,禄山之乱以侍御史居衡阳,与元结相友善。诗六首。” [1] 显然这些文字不足以让我们完全了解刘湾的一生浮沉,为了有丰富的文献支持,让大家对其有更多的了解,我们查阅到以下资料:



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