摘 要:近代的中国,正受到帝国主义的侵略和封建主义的束缚,使中国许多知识分子留学日本,学习日本救亡图存,引进先进的文化,唤醒麻木不仁的国人。其中,郁达夫就是在这个时期独树一帜的作家,是中国现代文坛上一颗璀璨的明珠。郁达夫是新文学团体“创造社”的成员,是抗日救国、忧国忧民的爱国主义作家,留学的十年经历,铸就了郁达夫独特的创作风格,以真情实感、惊世骇俗、大胆的自我暴露自叙的方式而引领先锋,在枯槁的中国社会注入新鲜血液,尤其是对于存在中国千年背甲里面士大夫的虚伪的致命一击。郁达夫鲜明的创作个性离不开留学十年日本文化的熏陶,深受日本自然主义文学运动,特别是日本“私小说”的影响,在日本作家里最推崇的是佐藤春夫,并以中国的佐藤春夫自居,同时也受到同时期小田岳夫、谷润一郎等日本作家的影响,在1921年发表的《沉沦》,带有许多佐藤春夫《田园的忧郁》的印记。62809
On the influence of Japanese literature on Yu Dafu's works
Abstract:Modern China , It is bound by imperialism and feudalism, Many Chinese intellectuals studying in Japan, Learning Japanese national salvation, The introduction of advanced culture, Wake up petrified people. Among them, Yu Dafu during this period is to become an independent school writer, is a bright pearl on the modern literary circles Chinese. Yu Dafu is new literary group "to create the society" members, is a writer for resisting Japan and saving the nation, concern for the fate of patriotism and study in the past ten years, forge the Yu Dafu's unique writing style. To true feelings, astounding, bold self exposure autobiography and leading pioneer, in Chinese society of withered to inject fresh blood. Especially for the presence of China thousand years back a scholar inside the hypocrisy of a fatal blow. Yu Dafu bright creation inpiduality cannot do without studying for ten years of Japanese culture, by the naturalistic literature movement in japan, Especially the influence of Japanese "private novel", in the Japanese writer most respected is Sato Haruo, and to China's Sato Haruo itself. At the same time also by the impact of Oda Takeo, Sejun Ichiro and other Japanese writers, published in 1921, "sink", with many of Misaki Sato Haruo "pastoral melancholy"
Key Words:Yu DaFu;Japanese literature;experience in Japan;self-exposure; self-fiction
目 录
摘 要1
一、 日本“私小说” 2