    本文先对体育馆的常见气流组织形式做定性分析, 从现实应用方向,以上海卢湾体育馆为研究对象建立模型,并且对另外三种应用于上海卢湾体育馆的气流组织形式方案和现存的气流组织形式方案的温度场、速度场还有热舒适性进行模拟研究,其它三种方案分别是: 1. 侧送(单向喷口)下回2.侧送(双向喷口)下回3.侧送(双向喷口)下回、座椅送风,并分析其特点,另外还对热舒适性进行了分析。
    毕业论文关键词:    体育馆;气流组织;Airpak模拟;温度场;速度场
    Comprision Of Different Airflow Organise Scheme in Shanghai luwan Gymnasium
    Abstract:     In line with the development of the concept of modern structure  design, newly-built structures of large space, unique in style, large in dimention, have become more and more perse in dealing with air distribution.Against this backdrop, traditionalexperience on which many design institutes have relied when designing such structuresas gymnasiums,fail to meet various requirements.To counter this problem, this thesis will take Shanghai luwan Gymnasium as its research subject,CFD simulation software as a tool, and conduct a simulation study on different forms of air distribution for the air conditioning systemapplicable to the gymnasium in question. Then a comparative study on the research results will be advanced with a bid to providing some guidance for the practical design of gymnasium-related projects. A qualitative analysis on some common air distribution forms was made and the accuracy of the CFD model designed based on Shanghai luwan Gymnasium was proved through the on-spot test conducted before in this thesis. Then from the perspective of practical application, a simulation study will be innitiated on the temperature field and velocity field of three other air distribution designs and the existing design applicable to this gymnasium. These three designs are: 1. lateral supply higher return (one single nozzle); 2.lateral supply higher return (double jet nozzle);3. lateral supply higher return (two combined). Their features, comfort will be analyzed respectively.
    Keywords:    gymnasium, air Distribution, CFD simulation, temperature field, velocity field
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    体育类建筑概述    1
    1.1.1    体育馆类型    1
    1.1.2    体育馆空调系统特点    1
    1.2    国内外大型体育馆气流组织发展及研究现状    2
    1.3    课题研究的主要内容、研究方法以及意义    3
    1.3.1    研究的主要内容与意义    3
    1.3.2    研究方法    3
    2    气流组织方案构思    4
    2.1    体育馆常见气流组织形式    4
    2.1.1    上送下回    5
    2.1.2    侧送下回    6
    2.1.3    下送上回    8
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