

    毕业论文关键词   电子封装、热失效、应力场、温度场、ANSYS热分析模块、热设计


    Title    Calculation of a camera when working temperature field and stress field Based on ANSYS                                            


    It will produce heat continuously when electronic equipments work. If we don’t take measures to control the temperature, the electronic components in the system will break down due to the high temperature. Thermal cyclic loading is the main factor to cause the damage of electronic systems and the components Therefore, it is very necessary to analyze the stress field and the temperature field of electronic devices, the module of heat transfer analysis thermal in ANSYS can not only simulate the three ways of heat transfer, such as conduction, convection and radiation, but also take a convenient for solving different packaging density of electronic devices with its rich two-dimensional and three-dimensional thermal analysis unit [3]. The project will use thermal analysis module of ANSYS to analyze the stress field and the temperature field of a type of camera when it works, and obtain the relevant data of optimizing the thermal design of equipment. Based on the exploitation and application of ANSYS, we can figure out the methods and characteristics of application for ANSYS applying for solving complex engineering problems. What’s more, the practical application provides valuable reference for the DFR of electronic systems, which lays a foundation for the realization of computer aided design of electronic equipment.

    Keywords: Electronic packaging,     thermal failure,     stress field,   

    temperature field,    ANSYS thermal analysis module,     thermal design


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1简介 1

    1.2电路集成化对电子热设计提出的挑战 1

    1.3本课题研究现状及发展趋势 2

    1.4本课题研究对象其热量传递过程: 3

    第二章 热传导问题的有限元方法 3

    2.1热分析方法: 3

    2.1.1计算机数值分析与模拟 3

    2.1.2本课题研究对象因素 4

    2.2热传导问题的有限元方法概述 6

    2.3热传导问题数学模型 7

    2.4稳态热传导的有限元格式推导 8

    第三章 电子系统温度场、应力场数值仿真

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