


    毕业论文关键词  柔性多体系统   刚-柔耦合   动力学   大范围运动


    Title   Vibration Analysis of the Rotating Flexible Beam With Large Overall Motion                        


    The rigid-flexible coupling system is a typical multi-body system.Its dynamic problem is quite different from the dynamic problem of a multi-body system.It is complicated by the coupling between the large overall rigid motion and the small elastic deformation.Its dynamic problem is academically difficult. The dynamics simulation software package is very important in research and the design of products.

    To study the modeling theory of the rigid-flexible problem,a hub-beam system with large overall motion is researched in the dissertation.Only the transversal deformation of the flexible beam is considered.The approach of assumed modes is used to describe the deformation of the beam. The first order coupling dynamical equations of the system are established via employing the second kind of Lagrange’s equation. The dynamic characteristics of the hub-beam system with large overall motion are studied based on the coupling model.

    Keywords  Flexible multi-body system   Rigid-flexible coupling

              Dynamics   Large overall motion

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 工程背景 1

    1.2 柔性多体系统动力学研究现状 1

    1.3 本课题的工作和内容安排 4

    2 大范围旋转运动梁的建模理论 4

    2.1 旋转运动梁系统的物理模型 5

    2.2 旋转运动梁系统的动能 5

    2.3 旋转运动梁系统的势能 6

    2.4 旋转运动梁的假设模态法离散 6

    2.5 旋转运动梁的耦合动力学方程 8

    2.6 零次近似耦合模型 10

    2.7 本章小结 10

    3 大范围旋转运动梁的振动模态分析 10

    3.1 悬臂梁系统的固有振动模态 11


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