
    摘要 大功率高亮度 LED 芯片的研制成功和 LED 芯片发光效率的不断提高, LED 开始从之前的小功率屏幕显示逐渐进军照明领域。随着 LED 芯片输出功率的不断提 高,以及 LED 光电转化率不高的现状,对大功率 LED 灯具的散热技术也提出了更高的要 求,以避免结温过高导致的芯片加速老化。本文以大功率 LED 灯具的应用为导向,对大 功率 LED 灯具进行热仿真,比较 3w,5w,7w,9w 的 LED 灯具之间的使得读者可以对 LED 灯具的热场分布和散热有更为直观的了解。66297

    关键词:  大功率 LED;散热分析;结温

    Optimization design and Experimental Research on heat dissipation structure of high power LED lamps

    Abstract: In recent years, with the development of high-power and high brightness LED chips and the continuous improvement of LED chip luminous efficiency, LED has gradually stepped into the lighting field from the previous small power screen display. With the LED chip output power increases, and the LED photoelectric conversion rate is not high status, cooling technology for high-power LED lamp is also put forward higher requirements, in order to avoid excessive lead chip junction temperature accelerated aging. Based on the application of high-power LED lamps, the thermal simulation of high-power LED lamps is carried out, so that readers can have a more intuitive understanding of the thermal field distribution and heat dissipation of LED lamps.

    Keywords:  High power LED; heat dissipation analysis; junction temperature


    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    绪论 1

    1.1  大功率 LED 发展现状及趋势 1

    1.2  大功率 LED 散热途径 2

    1.2.1  热界面散热 2

    1.2.2  结构散热设计 3

    1.3   本课题拟解决的问题 3

    1.4   本课题研究目的及意义 3

    2 大功率 LED 灯具散热方式热阻网络模型 5

    2.1  大功率 LED 灯具主要散热方式 5

    2.1.1  热传导 5

    2.1.2  热对流 5

    2.1.3  热辐射 6

    2.2  大功率 LED 灯具热阻网络模型 7

    2.2.1  结温 7

    2.2.2  热阻 7

    2.2.3  大功率 LED 热阻网络模型 7

    3 大功率 LED 散热实验平台的搭建及实验测试 9

    3.1  大功率 LED 散热实验平台的搭建 9

    3.1.1  大功率 LED 实验平台 9

    3.1.2  大功率 LED 灯具 11

    3.2  大功率 LED 灯具实验测试及分析 12

    3.2.1  同一大功率 LED 灯具温度分布及结温、热阻估值 12

    3.2.2  不同大功率 LED 灯具温差分布及优劣分析 13

    3.3   本章小结 15

    4 大功率 LED 灯具三维建模及热学模拟构建

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