


    Abstract: In the global speed up development, the environmental protection has become the current serious problems. LED for a long life, safety, energy saving, green environmental protection pollution-free, rich colors, etc advantages gradually become the mainstream of the current lighting, and was regarded as a new generation of lighting source, the nature of the fluorescent powder is one of the main factors affecting the quality of the LED device, so the LED with the luminescence properties of phosphor, improve existing fluorescent powder properties and development of novel phosphor materials is one of the main targets of the phosphor powder materials research. This paper mainly in view of the long wave emission LED research progress of phosphors.Systematically summarizes the green light to red light emission of the typical characteristics of main luminescence properties of phosphor, and introduces the latest long wave emission fluorescent powder material, it in improving existing fluorescent powder and has a certain guiding significance to the development of novel phosphor.

    Keywords: phosphor, luminescence properties, LED


    1  LED的概述 4

    2  LED的结构及其发光原理 4

    3  LED的种类和应用 4

    4  发光材料的激发波段 5

    4.1  100-200 nm真空紫外光 5

    4.2  200-300 nm紫外光 5

    4.3  300-480 nm紫外-蓝光 5

    5  LED激发的荧光粉体系 6

    5.1  白光LED用黄色荧光粉 6

    5.2  白光LED用红色荧光粉 7

    5.3  白光LED用蓝光激发的绿色荧光粉 8

    6  LED用几种最新典型长波发射荧光粉体系 8

    6.1  GdSr2AlO5:Ce3+(Ce3+:GSA)荧光粉 8

    6.2  Ca5(PO4)2SiO4:Eu2+荧光粉 11

    6.3  LiCaPO4:Eu2+和Ca2BO3Cl:Eu2+系列的荧光粉 12

    6.4  Ca2.955Sc2-xAlxSi3O12:Ce3+荧光粉 13

    结  论 15

    参考文献 16

    致  谢 17

    1  LED的概述


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