

    毕业论文关键词  激光清洗  激光脱漆  


    Title  The principle and application of laser cleaning          



    In this paper, the methods, principles and major effecting factors for various kinds of laser cleaning technology and their major applications are introduced comprehensively. Besides, comparison between laser cleaning and traditional cleaning methods are made to indicate the superiority of laser cleaning. After that, the paper selects laser stripping as the application direction to conduct more concentrate and deeper research. The main content includes : The selection of laser, how to choose the energy density of laser pulse in laser stripping, the effect of energy density to laser mechanism, how to choose the proper pulse width, how to choose laser scanning speed and rate of scanning orbital overlap, the usage of liquid membrane to improve stripping efficiency, testing of the effect of stripping to mechanical properties of workpieces, how to real-time monitor the stripping process and the composition of laser stripping machine in real applications. The discussion of laser stripping is oriented to the whole laser cleaning area instead of laser stripping only. The same perspective and method can be used in study of other laser cleaning applications.

    Keywords  laser cleaning    laser paint stripping    

    目   次

    1   绪论 5

    1.1  研究背景 5

    1.2  激光清洗的机理5

    2   激光清洗的原理6

    2.1  激光清洗的机理6

    2.2  激光清洗的方法 7

    2.3 激光清洗与传统清洗方式的对比8

    2.4 影响激光清洗效果的因素9

    3 激光清洗技术用于脱漆的具体应用  10

    3.1适合做激光脱漆的激光器 10

    3.2 激光脱漆效率与能量密度的关系   12

    3.3 能量密度与工件表面温度分布及激光作用机理的关系14

    3.4 脉冲宽度对脱漆效果的影响18

    3.5 确定合适的扫描速度和扫描轨道搭接率19

    3.6 液膜对脱漆效率的影响21

    3.7 激光脱漆对工件力学性质的影响21

    3.8 激光脱漆过程中的实时监测28

    3.9 实现激光脱漆的设备33结论  34

    致谢  35

    参考文献  36

    1  绪论

    1.1 研究背景


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