



    Title    Optical Digital Images High Dynamic Imaging Technology       


    Dynamic range refers to a scene, the ratio of the luminance values of the brightest area and the darkest areas of the luminance value. Natural scenes in the actual dynamic range up to 14 orders of magnitude, the human eye can recognize the maximum dynamic range of 9 orders of magnitude. The traditional camera and the image display apparatus can only capture and display the low dynamic range image less than three orders of magnitude. This makes it impossible to obtain high-quality high dynamic range scenes. Studied this optical digital image high dynamic range imaging technology, the same scene with different exposure levels of multiple image synthesis, and ensure image quality in the case of dynamic range compression, to obtain a low dynamic range in the display device high-quality image output.

    In the paper, we first analyzed the characteristics of human visual and high dynamic range imaging data, and then introduce how to realize the high dynamic range imaging techniques. Through registration to eliminate the synthesis ago because of a slight camera shake that occurs when moving or rotation error, then calibration HDR response curve, next though collected pieces of the same scene with different exposure amounts image synthesis, which is pided into grayscale and color image synthesis synthesis, and finally through the tone mapping results in a low dynamic range display device display. And analysis the final experimental results and algorithms used .

    Keywords  High dynamic range, Registration, Response curve, Tone mapping

    目   次


    1  引言1

    1.1  研究背景1

    1.2  高动态范围成像技术简介1

    1.3 本文研究内容4

    2  高动态成像基础6

     2.1 人类视觉系统6

    2.1.1  对比灵敏度 6

    2.1.2  分辨率 6

    2.1.3  同时对比现象 6

    2.1.4  人眼的视觉特性 7

    2.2  提高输入信号的动态范围 7

    2.3  高动态范围图像的数据分布10

    2.4  输出信号动态范围的压缩12

    3  高动态范围成像的算法和实现13

    3.1  高动态范围成像实现步骤分析13

    3.2  图像配准13

    3.2.1  图像配准的思路14

    3.2.2  图像二值化与配准14

    3.3  响应曲线的标定16

    3.3.1  Mann and R.W.Picard算法 16

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