



    毕业论文关键词  激光雷达  回波信号模拟器  高精度延时器  


    Title    The Characteristic Research Of High-Precision Digital Delay                     



    This paper discusses the importance of the high-precision delay system to simulating laser radar’s return signal based on the working principle of laser ranging radar. Then it analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various delay circuit. This paper chooses the high-precision delay with digital delay and analog delay designed in a way combining as the research subject, then exploring its relevant characteristics. 

    Subsequently, in-depth exploration of the high-precision delay with FPGA digital delay module, various fast chip analog delay module and ARM control module as the mainstay works, detailed analysis of the functional role of each module.

    Finally, for evaluating the delay system performance, the paper successively detects the functions of the various modules, then achieves the experimental waveform of each module, and compares with the theoretical simulation waveform. In addition, this paper also tests delay performance of the system, and also improves the measurement method. The measurement results show that the system has reached the order of magnitude of a few hundred picoseconds. Experiments achieve the desired results.

    Keywords  LADAR  Return signal simulator  High-precision delay 

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  本文的主要研究工作 2

    1.3  本章小结 2

    2  高精度延时器的理论分析 3

    2.1  回波信号模拟器的理论分析 3

    2.2  模拟器中高精度延时系统理论分析 3

    2.2.1  数字延时电路 3

    2.2.2  模拟延时电路 5

    2.2.3  数字延时与模拟延时相结合 5

    2.2  本章小结 6

    3  高精度延时器工作原理 7

    3.1  高精度延时电路系统 7

    3.2  FPGA数字延时模块 8

    3.3  模拟延时模块 10

    3.3.1  系统整体供电电源模块

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