
    摘 要: LED固体照明因其节能环保、体积小及使用寿命长等特点,被誉为新一代绿色照明光源。作为LED器件重要组成部分,荧光粉发光性质的研究目前已越来越被收到关注。其中,以磷酸盐为基质的发光材料因其化学性质稳定、合成温度较低、制备简单、发光效率高等特点,成为红色荧光粉基质的重要选择之一。因此,研究Eu3+激活的磷酸盐荧光粉的发光性质不但有科研方面的重要意义,而且在实际应用方面也存在巨大价值。本文采用固相法合成了Ca10Li(PO4)7:Eu3+系列荧光粉,并对其发光性质进行了研究。55594


    Abstract: LED solid state lighting because of their characteristics of energy saving and environmental protection, small volume and long service life, known as a new generation of green lighting source. As an important part of the LED device, luminescent properties of phosphor has increasingly received attention. Among them, with phosphate as luminescent materials because of its stable chemical property, the synthesis temperature is low, simple preparation, high luminous efficiency, become one of the important choice of red fluorescent powder matrix. Therefore, the luminescence properties of phosphate phosphor of Eu3+ activated not only has important significance for scientific research, there is great value in practical application. In this paper, Ca10Li(PO4)7:Eu3+ was synthesized by solid state reaction method  series fluorescent powder, and the luminescent properties were studied.

    Keywords: LED, Ca10Li(PO4)7: Eu3+, Phosphor, Luminescent properties


    1 前言 4

    1.1  LED的研究背景 4

    1.2  LED的结构 4

    1.3  LED的发光机理 4

    1.3.1  固体发光 5

    1.4  LED的应用 5

    1.5  LED的优势以及目前的缺陷 5

    1.5.1 优势 5

    1.5.2 缺陷 6

    1.6  LED发展前景 6

    1.7  LED实现白光的方式 6

    1.7.1 蓝光芯片和黄色荧光粉相复合 6

    1.7.2 近紫外芯片和红绿蓝三基色荧光粉相复合 6

    1.8 荧光粉的研究背景及发光原理 7

    1.9 稀土三基色荧光粉 7

    1.9.1 国内外情形 7

    1.9.2 稀土发光材料在白光LED照明中的应用 7

    1.9.3 稀土发光材料在探测方面的应用 8

    2 实验部分 8

    2.1 固相法 8

    2.1.1 固相法的概念 8

    2.1.2 固相法优缺点 8

    2.2 本实验的制备过程 9

    2.3 实验仪器 9

    3 实验结果与讨论 9

    3.1 物相分析 9

    3.2 发光性质研究 10

    结  论 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14

    1 前言

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