


    毕业论文关键词:压力容器  薄膜应力  不连续应力   应力集中  疲劳  ANSYS


    Title    Finite element analysis of nozzles’ fatigue and the strength Which is connected to the cylinder of Reactor


    Nowadays, pressure vessels are widely used in industrial production. Due to various requirements on the process and structure it is often necessary to install a hole and nozzles. Because of taking over at the strength and fatigue problems, some damage continues to generate which causes the container to be invalid. The case above attracts engineering and scientific researchers’ extensive attention. Here, we mainly analyze the nozzles’ strength and fatigue.

    In this paper, the finite element model which is established by the ANSYS software, carries on the analysis to the reactor in the work pressure and the design pressure. calculate the stress nephogram; stress linearization of working under pressure over the nozzles, definition four paths, respectively, check stress intensity; fatigue was analyzed in the loop reactor pressure 0.2 - 1MPa

    Keywords   Pressure Vessels  Membrane stress  Discontinuous stress  concentration Stress  Fatigue  ANSYS


    1 引言 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 压力容器分类 1

    1.3 压力容器的特点 2

    1.4 压力容器前景 2

    2 有限元方法及其应用软件介绍 2

    2.1 有限元法的基本概念和思路 2

    2.2 有限元法典型分析步骤 7

    2.3 有限元软件及其使用介绍 8

    2.3.1 ANSYS软件的发展 9

    2.3.2 ANSYS典型分析过程 9

    2.3.3 有限元模型的创建(前处理) 9

    2.3.4 加载和求解 10

    2.3.5 查看结果(后处理) 11

    2.3.6 有限元分析前景 11

    3 接管处力学分析 12

    3.1 应力分类 12

    3.2 应力强度评定方法 13

    3.3 应力线性化处理 14

    3.4 疲劳 15

    3.4.1 疲劳定义 15

    3.4.2 疲劳分类 16

    3.4.3 疲劳曲线的描述 16

    3.4.4 ANSYS软件分析疲劳问题 18

    4 应力强度与疲劳分析实例

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