

    毕业论文关键字  温度场  位移场  有限元分析  优化设计  热力耦合  热弹性力


    Title  Finite element analysis and optimization design of temperature field and displacement field of a camera at work                           


    With the development of network technology and its own low cost, the camera has become increasingly popular in people's daily life and occupies the position which cannot be ignored in computer accessories market. By dint of the ANSYS thermal analysis module, in this paper, the temperature field and the displacement field of a certain type of camera internal PCB plate in the existing environment has been numerical simulation. Based on the analysis of computing results, this paper presents three kinds of reasonable layout plans to avoid excessive stress and large deformation of the PCB plate working in hot concentrated, in order to ensure the normal operation of the system and extend the service life of the product. Finally, this paper analyzes these three schemes, and compares with each other to determine the optimal solution, so as to realize the optimization design of the internal structure of the camera.

    Keywords  temperature field  displacement field  finite element analysis optimal design  thermal coupling  thermal elastic force

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景 1

    1.2  课题的研究内容 1

    1.3  本课题的主要工作 5

    2  基本理论和方法 6

    2.1  温度应力 6

    2.2  稳态热分析 6

    2.3  瞬态热分析 6

    2.4  瞬态动力学 7

    2.5  瞬态响应的三种求解方法 7

    2.6  自然冷却法 8

    3  PCB温度场和位移场的数值模拟及其结构优化设计 10

    3.1  问题解决过程图 10

    3.2  根据设计图建立模型 11

    3.3  元件参数和工作条件 14

    3.4  获取PCB温度场和位移场 16

    3.5  优化方案的提出 17

    3.6  通过优化方案分析结果的对比确定最优方案 18

    4  结论 22

    4.1  有限元分析结果 22

    4.2  优化设计结果 22

    4.3  研究设想与展望 23

    致谢  25

    参考文献  26

    1 绪论

    1.1 课题背景


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