


    毕业论文关键词  四辊精轧机  机架强度  有限元分析  数值计算


    Title    Numerical calculation of four high finishing mill frame strength in the rolling process                                                


    Steel rolling production is the production neck that make the bloom steel into steelproducts.Rolling mills is the mean and most important equipment in steel rolling process.The mill framework is the main supporting body of the draught pressure,and it is important content of safty in production that weather its strength meet the challenge.

    This Paper aim at the four high finishing mill of the Nangang plate rolling plant and complete numerical calculation of the rack.

    The paper combine finite element method basal theory,with the general FEM analysis software Hypermesh and ANSYS,simulated the elastic deformation of framework,discussed the stress distribution.Creating model with FEM,can pine and calculate the stress distribution of the framework conveniencly, effectly and visually, can pine each area stress of the framework,and easily find the weak link of the mill, supply reference for solving technical issues of big openning degree.

    Keywords  Four high finishing mill  Framework strength  FEA  Numericak calculation 

    1  引言 1

    1.1 轧机的发展概况 1

    1.2 有限元模拟技术在轧制中的应用 1

    1.3  课题的研究内容及意义 2

    2  四辊精轧机机架强度理论计算 3

    2.1 四辊精轧机概述 3

    2.1.1四辊精轧机的发展 3

    2.1.2  四辊精轧机的结构 5

    2.2 轧钢机机架 5

    2.3.2 机架强度 7

    3   机架有限元分析 9

    3.1 有限元的基本思想 9

    3.2 应用有限元法进行分析的过程 10

    3.3有限元法的特色 12

    3.4有限元分析软件 12

    3.4.1 Hypermesh软件简介 12

    3.4.2 ANSYS软件简介 15

    3.5  机架强度有限元法计算分析 17

    3.5.1   有限元法计算

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