



    Title   1780-R2 mill pressed against the stiffness of the theoretical and numerical                                  


    Mill stiffness is important performance parameters to reflect mill structure and mill can get rolling precision of the main indicators. Mill stiffness for the preparation of a new rational rolling schedule to provide the necessary equipment performance data, and for the realization of strip thickness automatically adjust and computer control to provide data. So make sure the mill stiffness has a very important practical significance . In this paper, a steel company newly introduced four-roll mill. By using proe to model, hypermesh to mesh, and other softwares like ansys to calculate. Calculated for each part of the stiffness, and to determine the mill work chassis stiffness for mill renovation to provide theoretical basis drama .

    Keywords: mill, pressed against the stiffness, ansys, four finishing mill


    1 绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.3 课题来源及研究内容 2

    2 四辊精轧机的概述 3

    2.1轧机的发展历史 3

    2.2轧机的动力设施 3

    2.3 四辊轧机的结构组成 4

    2.4 轧机轧制的受力特点 9

    2.5 实际生产中常遇到的问题分析 14

    2.6 四辊精轧机轧制刚度分析理论发展 14

    3 研究过程中运用的软件 15

    3.1 PROE的简介与运用 15

    3.2 PROE模型的建立与装配 16

    3.3 HYPERMESH简介及应用 16

    3.4 HYPERMESH划分模型网格 18

    4 有限元分析原理 18

    4.1 引言 18

    4.1.1 ANSYS的模块组成 18

    4.1.2 ANSYS的功能 20

    4.2 有限元求解步骤 21

    4.3 有限元的求解原理 21

    5 轧机轧制过程中的压靠刚度数值模拟 27

    5.1 前处理 27

    5.2 求解计算 29

    6 总结与心得体会 32

    致谢 34

    参考文献 35

    1 绪论

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