


    毕业论文关键词  四辊精轧机  有限元  刚度   影响因素   编程


    Title    The theoretical calculation and numerical simulation  of stiffness of 4-high finishing mill during the flat rolling of plate and strip 


    The rigidity of rolling mill is a widespread problem in rolling production process. It affects directly plate quality and its yield when the rolling hasn’t enough stiffness. The main mission of the article is to figure out the stiffness of 4-high finishing during the flat rolling of plate and strip, and then make out the influencing factors of the stiffness.

    In this article, the theoretical value of stiffness is firstly analyzed with theoretical calculation by using computer programming. Then the elastic-plastic FEM model to develop with the software ANSYS and PROE simulates the rolling process. And the working stand of this mill is analyzed for stress, displacement and rigidity. The result that numerical simulation is basically close to the theoretical value proves the model’s accuracy and dependability. 

    Keywords    4-high finishing mill  FEM  stiffness influencing factors computer programming

    目  次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 课题来源及研究背景 1

    1.3 本文的主要工作 2

    2 四辊精轧机的结构分析 2

    2.1四辊精轧机的结构 2

    2.2 四辊精轧机轧制刚度分析理论 8

    2.3 实际生产中常遇到的问题分析 9

    3 带板轧制刚度的理论计算 9

    4 带板轧制过程的数值模拟 18

    4.1 有限元的基本思想 18

    4.2 有限元求解步骤 19

    4.3 前处理 20

    4.3.1主要材料的性能与参数 20

    4.3.2模型建立 21

    4.4 求解计算 22

    4.4.1离散 22

    4.4.2约束 24

    4.4.3加载 26

    4.4.4求解 33

    4.5 结果处理与分析 37

    小  结 38

    致  谢 39

    参考文献 40

    附录I 42


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