


    毕业论文关键词  板带轧机  刚度  hypermesh  网格划分


    Title  theory and numerical calculation of stiffness of mill 1780 - R2 under strip rolling                                              


    The lateral stiffness and longitudinal stiffness of strip rolling mill is important for flatness and thickness control. The research of stiffness changing rule under different condition is of great significance for improving the precision of flatness and thickness control. Based on the CAE simulation software package-hypermesh, this paper put forward the method of meshing on model of strip rolling. On the background of strip mill roll shape design, detailed steps and methods of meshing is introduced. Compared with a lot of meshing models, this one motioned below is proved to be accurate and comprehensive.

    This project adopt elementary theory of elasticity to calculate the stiffness of 1780-R2 mill during the process of rolling. Besides,it includes the calculation and analysis of the rack and deformation field of each power transmission components.

    Keywords  strip rolling mill   stiffness  hypermesh  mesh generation  

    目  录

    1 引言 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 课题来源及研究现状 1

    1.2.1 课题来源 1

    1.2.2 研究现状 1

    1.3 本课题的主要工作 3

    1.3.1 步骤 3

    1.3.2 研究手段 3

    1.3.3 内容安排 3

    2 轧机工作原理概述 3

    2.1 轧机简介 3

    2.2轧机的组成 5

    2.3 轧机的结构形式及性能(按轧辊的布置形式分类) 6

    2.4 轧机的刚度 8

    2.5 轧机带板轧制的受力情形 8

    2.6  轧机的现状及发展趋势 18

    3 建模过程及网格划分 18

    3.1 应用PROE软件建立模型 18

    3.1.1 Pro/E主要模块 18

    3.1.2 Pro/E基本操作 19

    3.2 应用HYPERMESH划分网格 22

    3.2.1 有限元网格划分 22

    3.2.2 Hypermesh 软件的优势 24

    4 有限元求解 24

    4.1  有限元法概述

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