


    毕业论文关键词:超材料  传感器  太赫兹  数值模拟  

    Properties of Ultrasensitive Sensing with Terahertz Metamaterials 


    Planar metasurfaces and plasmonic resonator have shown great promise for sensing applications across the electromagnetic domain ranging from the microwave to the optical frequencies. However, these sensors suffer from ower figure of merit and sensitivity due to the radiative and the non- radiative loss channels in the plasmonic metamaterial systems. In this paper, I present a new design of the metamaterial sensor. Its favorable sensing characteristics in terahertz frequency range are numerically simulated by the HFSS software (High Frequency Structure Simulation) in terms of frequency-domain algorithm. And obvious oscillation occurs at 3.8THz. The electromagnetic response of the material parameters is improved by adjusting the curvature radius of the embedded star structure and the refractive index of the dielectric layer of the structural unit. This result provides a possibility for the realization of ultra sensitive sensing properties of terahertz band structures.

    Key words:  metamaterial; terahertz; sensing; numerical simulation


    摘要 III

    Abstract IV

    目录 V

    图清单 1

    变量注释表 1

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 太赫兹辐射 1

    1.2 超材料 1

    1.3 超材料的传感特性 2

    1.4 本文的主要研究工作 3

    2 数值模拟方法 4

    2.1 有限元法 4

    2.2 时域有限差分法 4

    2.3 模拟软件的介绍 4

    2.4 小结 5

    3 圆环内嵌星形超材料传感器的结构设计 6

    3.1 传感器的结构设计 6

    3.2 传感器边界与激发场的设置 7

    3.3 小结 7

    4 数值模拟及讨论 8

    4.1 结构的透射率特性 8

    4.2 半径变化对透射率的影响 9

    4.3 折射率变化对透射率的影响 10

    4.4 机理分析 11

    4.5 小结 12

    5 总结与展望 13


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