



    毕业论文关键词  激光超声  声表面波  无损检测   有限元 色散


    Title    The research of effect that the characteristic of  Teeth construction has to the characteristics of time and frequency domain of the laser-ultrasonic                                            


    Laser ultrasonic detection technology become one of the most important detection technology nowadays because of its characteristics of super ability to penetration, minimal damage to material and human bodies and easy to use. In this paper,the application that the laser ultrasound has in the area of nondestructive detection is discussed. And the principle and the properties of the formation of surface acoustic wave are briefly stated. Finally, the data that got through software simulation is analysed to figure out the effect the the characteristic of teethe construction has to the characteristics of time and frequency domain of the laser ultrasonic.

    Firstly, based on the analytic model of the laser ultrasound, the principle of the line light source arouse in the condition of thermoelasticity is analysed. Then the teeth models which have different radius of curvature

    are built. And using the method of finite element, the heat effect of the laser point source in the condition of thermoelasticity is simulated. Finally, the simulation of spread of the surface acoustic wave in the surface of teeth is given.

    The date of the displacement of the sections in the surface is exported. 

    Through the analysis of dispersion curve got from the 2D-FFT of the data, the trend is got that the teeth models which has the shorter radius have the more obvious dispersion phenomenon.

    Keywords  laser ultrasound;  surface acoustic wave;  nondestructive

              detection;   finite element;   dispersion

    目   次

    1    引言1

    1.1  研究背景及意义1

    1.2  国内外进展2

    1.3  本文的主要工作6

    2    激光激发声表面波的理论基础 7

    2.1  声表面波 7

    2.2  热弹性机制下激发超声的线源模型  10

    3    热性激发声表面波的有限元理论和超声型号的时频分析  13

    3.1  热传导理论13

    3.2  热弹性耦有限元方法14

    3.3  热弹性耦有限元方程15

    4    仿真与计算16

    4.1  牙齿模型有限元法应用背景16

    4.2  计算模型17

    4.3  超声信号时频分析理论21

    4.4  仿真计算数据结果分析22

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